Tuesday, 28 April 2009

The bodies exhibition

A few days ago one of my friends told me that he is going to see the bodies exhibition. i didn't know what exactly it is, but after research in the internet i found that it shows real death bodies in motion. It looks exciting and thrilling - but is that moral? It depends of point of view. But i think that is ok only in one case, when before death person assent to be part of that exibition. In the different case I think that death bodies should be treats with a big respect, not only like part of an axhibition. 

1 comment:

  1. Of course it is moral. If you read more aboutit it is actually people that donate their bodies. So they have a choice. They have decided how to honor their body. And it is used for scientific purposes as well. I went to the exhibit in London and it was a really geat experience.
